Handling of Personal Information

Kyosei Corporation recognizes the importance of personal information, considers that it is our social duty to protect personal information, comply with laws, regulations and internal rules on personal information and properly acquire, utilize and control personal information handled by the Corporation.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information using our ‘contact us’ form or other forms, to the extent necessary, in an appropriate manner. This website uses SSL, so your information will be encrypted before being transmitted.

Use of Personal Information

Unless otherwise specified, notified, or publicly announced, the personal information we obtain will only be used for the following purposes or within the scope deemed relevant to these purposes:

(1) To put in place agreements, fulfill their terms and conditions, and manage other transactions in relation to our business
(2) To communicate messages in relation to our business and send notices and greetings based on social customs
(3) To provide information related to our business
(4) To conduct surveys, analyses, research and audits related to our business
(5) To produce statistical information, analyze de-identified information, and process personal information for our use
(6) To exchange information and communicate with people in industries and organizations related to our business
(7) To provide job seekers and prospective employees with company information and maintain necessary contact with them
(8) To respond to requests, comments, or questions
(9) To conduct other business related to or associated with the above purposes

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except to the extent permitted by law, we will not transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties without obtaining your prior consent.

Appropriate Management of Personal Information

We employ proper safeguards in an effort to appropriately control the personal information we collect, so as to keep it accurate and up-to-date, as well as to protect it against unauthorized access and against accidental loss, destruction, falsification, or disclosure.

(1) Development of basic policy
This policy has been developed to ensure the proper handling of personal information and to provide information on how you can raise a query or a complaint with us.
(2) Establishment of rules regarding the handling of personal data
We have established a privacy policy on our collection, use, storage, transfer, deletion, and disposal of personal information.
(3) Organizational safeguards

  • We appoint a person responsible for handling personal data (privacy policy officer).
  • We restrict access to personal data to employees who need to access it and define the scope of personal data they are permitted to handle.
  • We implement a system for reporting to the privacy policy officer if any employee becomes aware of or suspects a breach or non-compliance of laws or internal regulations.
  • We periodically carry out self-inspection of the handling of personal information.

(4) Administrative safeguards

  • We educate our employees about points to consider in handling personal information based on our privacy policy and other internal regulations.

(5) Physical safeguards

  • In areas where personal information is handled, restrictions are imposed on the entry of non-employees and the devices brought in, and safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal information.
  • Safeguards are taken to protect devices, electronic media and documents containing personal information from theft or loss.
  • Safeguards are in place to ensure that personal information is not easily identified when carrying devices or electronic media containing personal information within and outside the office.

(6) International context
We put our safeguards in place upon understanding the legal framework for personal information protection in other countries where personal information is handled.

Disclosure of Personal Information to the Individual Concerned

If you request disclosure of your own personal data that we hold, we will proceed with your request after verifying your identity (or the identity and authorization of your agent).

However, we may not be able to disclose all or part of the information if there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of you or a third party, if there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business, or if it would violate laws and regulations.

Collection of personal information from this website

Cookie Policy

We use cookies and web beacons to understand the usage of the services provided by this website in order to improve our services and to provide users with services appropriate to their needs and interests.

A cookie is a small information file that is transferred between your computer and our website when you visit our website. It is stored on your computer.
A web beacon is a small image file (clear GIF) embedded within a website that allows us to track whether you have come to our website before and the number of visits.

We mainly use the tools listed below to understand how this website is used.
The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by each tool provider does not include any information that can identify you personally. Such information is managed in accordance with the privacy policy of each tool provider.
You can stop the use of cookies by disabling them yourself on the opt-out page of each tool provider or through your browser settings. However, stopping cookies might mean some features on our website might not work, some pages might not be displayed properly, or some of our services might not be provided. For information on how to change your browser settings, please refer to the website of the relevant browser provider.

Google Analytics

Changes to our Cookie Policy

We may change this Cookie Policy from time to time. If we do so, the changes will be posted on our website. Your use of this website after any such changes constitutes consent to the updated Cookie Policy then in effect.

Access logs

This website tracks user information recorded in an access log. This includes users’ IP address, browser type, and number of accesses, but it does not include any personally identifiable information. Access logs will be used for the purpose of statistical analysis and will not be used for any other purposes.


We use the encryption technology SLL (Secure Sockets Layer) on all pages, including the ‘contact us’ page, to improve the level of security on this website.


The Corporation may change its personal information handling policy including revision of internal rules by reason of the amendment of laws and regulations or when it is otherwise necessary.

The inquiry contact provides technical and sales information relating to products and services of the Corporation.
No reply will be provided in the case of sales, etc. of goods or services which have nothing to do with products and services of the Corporation.

Opinions and inquiries regarding personal information

  • By postal mail
    3-1-3 Chiyozaki, Nishi Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture 550-0023, Japan
  • By e-mail